Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

As a computing environment where IT-related services can be used all at once through servers on the Internet,
cloud computing is a service where you can borrow and use IT resources (software, storage, server, network, etc.)
as much as you need, get real-time scalability based on service load, and pay as much as you use.

As a computing environment where IT-related services can be used
all at once through servers on the Internet, loud computing is a service
where you can borrow and use IT resources
(software, storage, server, network, etc.) as much as you need,
get real-time scalability based on service load, and pay as much as you use.

As a computing environment where IT-related
services can be used all at once through servers
on the Internet, cloud computing is a service
where you can borrow and use IT resources
(software, storage, server, network, etc.)
as much as you need, get real-time scalability
based on service load, and pay as much as you use.

Advantages of cloud computing

Types of Cloud Computing

Model of cloud computing

Business field